Let’s start with fitness. Reaching our dream body is one of the most popular new year’s resolutions. Let me guide you on how to reach your goal.
First off, we have to set an achievable goal. Exercising and sculpting your body however you want it, takes time. So don’t give up when you don’t see results right away.
Doing 45-60 minutes of exercise daily will do big things in the long run. Exercise can include going out on walks, practicing any sport, lifting weights, etc. Find something you like and stick with it!
Lifting weights is the way to go if you are looking to build muscle and tone your body. Ladies out there, don’t be afraid you will become bulky, building muscle takes time, try it out! Lifting routines are organized by the muscles you want to work on. One should aim to train a set of muscles 2-3 times per week to allow the muscles to rest and regenerate.
How to split your workouts?
I recommend each workout session consist of 4-5 exercises with 8-12 reps for 3-5 sets. Remember to listen to your body, give it your best but don’t harm it.
Now let’s talk about abs
Abs are a popular goal among people but avoid over-training them. Remember they are muscles that need their rest to regenerate and grow.
Lastly, you can make your choice of cardio and execute it on a daily. Cardio is shown to burn the most amount of calories. And most importantly, cardio can be really fun!
Make sure you enjoy what you do, and I am not just talking about exercise but everything in life. You are the one in control, so choose to be happy and enjoy every single second.